A curation of my favorite books sorted by topic.
Stories, History, and Theory of Invention
- The Most Powerful Idea in the World
- The Wright Brothers
- The Electric Life of Michael Faraday
- Walt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imagination
- The Art Spirit
- Autobiography of Charles Darwin
- Feynman’s WDYCWOPT and SYJMF
- In Defence of Serendipity
- Doing the Impossible
- Loonshots
Stories, History, and Theory of Corporations
- Images of Organization
- The Company: A Short History of a Revolutionary Idea
- Creativity, Inc.
- The House of Morgan
- Zero to One
- Shoe Dog
- My Life and Work (Henry Ford)
- Changing How the World Does Business (FedEx)
Progress, Growth, and Economics
- Collapse of Complex Societies
- Rise and Fall of American Growth
- The Great Stagnation
- Stubborn Attachments
- Growth Econ Blog
- Unenumerated Blog
- The Scientific Outlook
- Meaning in History
- Communist Manifesto
- Small is Beautiful
- Price of Inequality**
- After Capitalism**
- Affluent Society**
- Development as Freedom**
- Justice as Fairness
Conciousness, Behavior, and the Mind
- The Righteous Mind
- From Bacteria to Bach and Back
- Wittgenstein’s Mistress
- Computer Power and Human Reason
- The River of Conciousness
- The Power of Habit
- The Social Animal
- Thinking
- Quiet
- Presentation of Self in Everyday Life
- Altered Traits
- Elementary Forms of Religious Life
Contemporary Dystopias
- Psychopolitics
- Superintelligence
- The Machine Stops
- Infinite Jest
- Consider the Lobster
- Brave New World
- 1984
- The Circle
- Post-Truth